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Explore your dbt projects (beta)

With dbt Explorer, you can view your project's resources (such as models, tests, and metrics) and their lineage to gain a better understanding of its latest production state. Navigate and manage your projects within dbt Cloud to help your data consumers discover and leverage your dbt resources.

To display the details about your project state, dbt Explorer utilizes the metadata provided through the Discovery API. The metadata that's available on your project depends on the deployment environment you've designated as production in your dbt Cloud project. dbt Explorer automatically retrieves the metadata updates after each job run in the production deployment environment so it will always have the latest state on your project. The metadata it displays depends on the commands executed by the jobs. For instance:

  • To update model details or results, you must run dbt run or dbt build on a given model within a job in the environment.
  • To view catalog statistics and columns, you must run dbt docs generate within a job in the environment.
  • To view test results, you must run dbt test or dbt build within a job in the environment.
  • To view source freshness check results, you must run dbt source freshness within a job in the environment.

The need to run these commands will diminish, and richer, more timely metadata will become available as the Discovery API and its underlying platform evolve.

Join the beta

dbt Explorer is a beta feature and subject to change without notification. More updates to this feature coming soon.

If you’re interested in joining the beta, please contact your account team.


  • You have a multi-tenant or AWS single-tenant dbt Cloud account on the Team or Enterprise plan.
  • You have set up a production deployment environment for each project you want to explore.
    • There has been at least one successful job run in the production deployment environment.
  • You are on the dbt Explorer page. This requires the feature to be enabled for your account.
    • To go to the page, select Explore (Beta) from the top navigation bar in dbt Cloud.

Explore the project’s lineage

dbt Explorer provides a visualization of your project’s DAG that you can interact with. To start, select Overview in the left sidebar and click the Explore Lineage button on the main (center) section of the page.

If you don't see the lineage graph immediately, click Render Lineage. It can take some time for the graph to render depending on the size of your project and your computer’s available memory. The graph of very large projects might not render so, instead, you can select a subset of nodes by using selectors.

The nodes in the lineage graph represent the project’s resources and the edges represent the relationships between the nodes. Resources like tests and macros display in the lineage within their resource details pages but not within the overall project lineage graph. Nodes are color-coded and include iconography according to their resource type.

To interact with the lineage graph, you can:

  • Hover over any item in the graph to display the resource’s name and type.
  • Zoom in and out on the graph by mouse-scrolling.
  • Grab and move the graph.
  • Click on a resource to highlight its relationship with other resources in your project.
  • Search and select specific resources or a subset of the DAG using selectors and lineage (for example, +[YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME] displays all nodes upstream of a particular resource).
  • View resource details by selecting a node in the graph (double-clicking).
Explore the lineage graphExplore the lineage graph

Search for resources

With the search bar (on the upper left of the page or in a lineage graph), you can search using keywords or selectors (also known as selector methods). The resources that match your search criteria will display as a table in the main section of the page. When you select a resource in the table, its resource details page will display.

When using keyword search, dbt Explorer will search through your resources using metadata such as resource type, resource name, column name, source name, tags, schema, database, version, alias/identifier, and package name.

When using selector search, you can utilize the dbt node selection syntax including set and graph operators (like +). To learn more about selectors, refer to Syntax overview, Graph operators, and Set operators.

Below are the selection methods currently available in dbt Explorer. For more information about each of them, refer to Methods.

  • fqn: Find resources by file or fully qualified name.
  • source: Find resources by a specified source.
  • resource_type: Find resources by their type.
  • package: Find resources by the dbt package that defines them.
  • tag: Find resources by a specified tag.
Explore the search barExplore the search bar

Use the catalog sidebar

By default, the catalog sidebar lists all your project’s resources. Select any resource type in the list and all those resources in the project will display as a table in the main section of the page. For a description on the different resource types (like models, metrics, and so on), refer to About dbt projects.

To browse using a different view, you can choose one of these options from the View by dropdown:

  • Resources (default) All resources in the project organized by type.
  • Packages All resources in the project organized by the project in which they are defined.
  • File Tree All resources in the project organized by the file in which they are defined. This mirrors the file tree in your dbt project repository.
  • Database All resources in the project organized by the database and schema in which they are built. This mirrors your data platform structure.
Explore the catalog sidebarExplore the catalog sidebar

View resource details

You can view the definition and latest run results of any resource in your project. To find a resource and view its details, you can interact with the lineage graph, use search, or browse the catalog. The details (metadata) available to you depends on the resource’s type, its definition, and the commands run within jobs in the production environment.

Explore a model's resource detailsExplore a model's resource details

Example of model details

An example of the details you might get for a model:

  • General The model’s lineage graph that you can interact with.
  • Code The source code and compiled code for the model.
  • Columns The available columns in the model.
  • Description A description of the model.
  • Recent Information on the last time the model ran, how long it ran for, whether the run was successful, the job ID, and the run ID.
  • Tests Tests for the model.
  • Details Key properties like the model’s relation name (for example, how it’s represented and how you can query it in the data platform: database.schema.identifier); model governance attributes like access, group, and if contracted; and more.
  • Relationships The nodes the model Depends On and is Referenced by.

Example of exposure details

An example of the details you might get for an exposure:

  • Status The status on data freshness and data quality.
  • Lineage The exposure’s lineage graph.
  • Description A description of the exposure.
  • Details Details like exposure type, maturity, owner information, and more.
  • Relationships The nodes the exposure Depends On.

Example of test details

An example of the details you might get for a test:

  • General The test’s lineage graph that you can interact with.
  • Code The source code and compiled code for the test.
  • Description A description of the test.
  • Recent Information on the last time the test ran, how long it ran for, whether the test passed, the job ID, and the run ID.
  • Details Details like schema, severity, package, and more.
  • Relationships The nodes the test Depends On.

Example of source details

An example of the details you might get for each source table within a source collection:

  • General The source’s lineage graph that you can interact with.
  • Columns The available columns in the source.
  • Description A description of the source.
  • Source freshness Information on whether refreshing the data was successful, the last time the source was loaded, the timestamp of when a run generated data, and the run ID.
  • Details Details like database, schema, and more.
  • Relationships A table that lists all the sources used with their freshness status, the timestamp of when freshness was last checked, and the timestamp of when the source was last loaded.